DINOPOL Sp. z o.o. is implementing a project "The increase of international competitiveness of DINOPOL company through technological integration of raw materials de-inking system with the production of paper packaging from the pulp and implementation of new and improved products in the production plant in Raczyce." The project is co-financed within the framework of the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Programme for 2014 - 2020, Priority Axis 1, Measure 1.5, Measure 1.5.2. Strengthening the competitiveness of key sectors of the economy of the region.
The main aim of the project is to continue the dynamic development and expansion of „Dinopol” company, and to strengthen its position with respect to international competitors.
The main aim will be realized by reaching individual goals of the project, including: purchasing innovative production line, offering new and improved products, maintaining consistent cleanliness of raw materials which will result in offering products of consistent top quality, supporting ecological and environment-friendly solutions, increasing revenues from sales of products.
Planned project effects:
- implementing process innovation in the form of technological integration of the raw material deinking system with the production of paper pulp moulded goods,
- introducing product innovations,
- implementing organizational innovations,
- starting a modern production process resulting in reducing costs of production, positive effects on the environment, improving work conditions by automation of production, shortening production cycle, increasing production capacity,
- finding new sales markets – domestically and internationally,
- increasing the number of employees,
- using information and communication technology (ICT).
Total value of the project: PLN 9.800.000,00
European Funds contribution: PLN 4.410.000,00
In connection with the implementation of the project, "Dinopol" Sp. z o. o. announces the start of the tender procedure for the execution of the contract for the purchase and installation of production lines for the paper packaging from the pulp with integrated raw material de-inking system.
- Request for quotation – download
- Model offer form – download
- Declaration of no capital and personal affiliation – download
- Declaration on compliance with the offer participation requirements – download
- The contract notice published in the Official Journal of the EU – download
We would like to inform herewith that as a result of public contract award procedure carried out according to principles of competitiveness, MOULDED FIBRE TECHNOLOGIES LTD. from Mauritius has been selected as the supplier of moulded fibre packaging production line with an integrated system of de-inking raw materials.