Our offer includes a wide variety of technically perfected, highly aesthetic egg trays. A lot of time and effort has been made to produce a proper shape egg tray which would provide maximum protection for eggs during transportation and prevent any damages. The shape of retail packaging, 2x6, 10 and 15, provides enough space for printing any graphics, or placing colour labels and information for consumers. Our company provides comprehensive services, starting from drawing up designs of labels or inscriptions to delivering our products to any desired location.

Our packaging is made 100% from recycled raw materials (newspapers, magazines, cardboard boxes). Paper pulp used in the manufacturing process is an ecologically clean raw material which complies with all European regulations and directives. All paper pulp products can be recycled or composted.

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Our medical products, packaging for electronics and paper products on special order are appreciated throughout all Europe. Besides packaging production and trade, we provide services in the field of design and production of any metal elements depending on the customer requirements.

What makes us different

Environment friendly

DINOPOL Sp. z o.o. rationally manages materials, ensures that all its employees protect the environment, comply with legal rules, and other environment protection-related regulations. We promote eco-friendly ideas among our staff and we provide information about the impact of our operations on the environment to all interested parties.